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Animation and Shows

Entertainment and shows at a public event are key elements to entertain and captivate citizens. We manage live performances, music, dance, juggling, magic and more, so that the event meets expectations. All these activities help create an attractive atmosphere, encourage public participation and make the event memorable and exciting and encourage conviviality.

How to encourage and what to offer?

Entertainment and entertainment programming for public events requires careful consideration to ensure that the entertainment is engaging, safe and meets the objectives of the event. Here are some important considerations:


  1. Audience and Topic:

    • Prior knowledge of the audience and adaptation of programming based on their interests and ages.

    • Ensure that entertainment and shows fit the theme or purpose of the event.

  2. Variety:

    • Offer a variety of events and entertainment to maintain public interest.

    • Combine different types of shows, such as live music, dance, magic, juggling, etc.

  3. Schedule:

    • Design a schedule that distributes the shows throughout the event equitably.

    • Avoid overlaps between performances that may compete for the public's attention.

  4. Space and Logistics:

    • Ensure that there is sufficient space and technical equipment for each event.

    • Plan assembly and disassembly times to avoid delays.

  5. Security:

    • Ensure all performances are safe for performers and audiences.

    • Comply with safety regulations and obtain necessary permits.

  6. Performance Time:

    • Control the duration of each show to maintain the audience's attention and comply with the schedule.

  7. Stage and Technical Equipment:

    • Ensure the stage is well lit and has quality sound.

    • Provide the best technical equipment for each event.

  8. Interruptions:

    • Plan breaks between shows so attendees can rest and enjoy other event activities.

  9. Adaptation to Climatic Conditions:

    • Have a contingency plan in case of bad weather if the event is outdoors (provide weather contingency insurance to avoid the costs of a possible cancellation)

  10. Communication:

    • Inform the public about show times and any programming changes.

    • Use speakers, screens or signage to guide attendees.

  11. Artist Evaluation:

    • Careful pre-screening of artists and acts to ensure they are appropriate and of quality.

  12. Interaction with the Public:

    • Consider including elements of interaction between the audience and the artists to make the experience more participatory.

  13. Post-Event Evaluation:

    • Gather public feedback to evaluate satisfaction with programming and use it in future events.


Entertainment and show programming is a crucial part of the success of a public event. By paying attention to these considerations, you can create a memorable and engaging entertainment experience for attendees.

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